Broadstone HallPrimary School

Normality is returning & we're feeling GOOD!!!

Sun in the sky,
You know how I feel,
Breeze driftin' by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
With the Lockdown RoadMap due to lift on 21st June, we are FINALLY able to go back to a little more normality - there are lots of changes happening after Whit Holidays, so listen up!
· Breakfast Club will be opening up again to ALL YEAR GROUPS from R-Y6
8am -> 8.45am
30 places total per week. Book via ParentPay on NEW! WEEKLY basis £12.50 per week
30 new places will get released every Friday for the upcoming week ahead
· The HUB will be opening up again to ALL YEAR GROUPS from R-Y6
30 places total (very limited availabilty)
Book via email [email protected]
Post school -> 5.30pm: £12 a session
Post afterschool club -> 5.30pm: £8 a session (sibling discount available)
· Afterschool Clubs are getting better!
PSC Ltd clubs offering NEW! Mixed Football & Dodgeball to selected year groups
£4.80 per session (Prices now include VAT)
Broadstone will continue to run the ever popular Multiports to selected year groups £3.00 per session
Tri-Golf in partnership with Golf Schools Sports Partnership & Stockport Council will continue Y5 Golf (£1 donation only)
· Front Row Music will continue Afterschool Guitar, NEW! to Y3 as well as Y4
£6.50 per session
· And a NEW! JR Chess - A BRAND NEW CLUB!! Open to Y5 & 6
£5.00 per session
Our Afterschool Clubs are charged half termly and are booked on a first come first serve basis.
AND NOW, YOU CAN ATTEND THEM ALL with no restrictions! Breakfast Club, afterschool club & The HUB! 8am -> 5.30pm wraparound care if needed!!!
Bookings for everything, apart from the HUB, will go LIVE tomorrow on ParentPay!

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Get In Touch
Broadstone Hall Primary School Broadstone Hall Road,
Heaton Chapel, SK4 5JD
Nichola Keith | Office Manager 0161 432 1916